Latest Job Opportunities at China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Islamabad 2024

Exploring the Latest Job Opportunities at China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Islamabad 2024

The latest job advertisement for China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Islamabad, published in the Daily Express Newspaper on April 21, 2024, has opened up various positions across different departments.

The vacancies range from drillers to assistant managers, catering to candidates with diverse educational backgrounds.

Positions include roles such as assistant manager admin, foreman, cook, project officer, operator, UDC, assistant manager coordination, driver, lab technician, and many others.

Candidates with educational qualifications ranging from Master’s, MS, Matric, Intermediate, to Bachelor’s degrees are encouraged to apply.


Interested individuals are urged to apply for these government jobs in management and departments before the closing date, which is expected to be around May 3, 2024, or as specified in the newspaper advertisement. It’s essential for applicants to thoroughly read the complete advertisement online to understand the application process for these latest opportunities at CPEC. 

These job openings not only offer employment prospects but also contribute to the ongoing development initiatives within the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, marking a significant step towards economic progress and collaboration between the two nations.

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