Latest Frontier Core Army Jobs KPK 2024

Latest Frontier Core Army Job Posts in Dera Ismail Khan 2024

Frontier Constabulary FC, a vital component of the Pakistan Army, has announced job opportunities for various positions in Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan.

The vacancies were advertised in the daily Jang dated March 28, 2024, offering employment for individuals interested in serving their nation in the esteemed Frontier Core.

Positions Available:

The advertised positions include roles for soldiers and sipahis.

Educational Qualification:

Candidates with a Matriculation certificate or equivalent qualification will be given preference.

Jobs Advertisement:

Application Process:

Interested individuals are encouraged to apply for these esteemed positions at the Frontier Core.

It is imperative to submit applications before the closing date, which is anticipated to be around April 23, 2024, or as specified in the newspaper advertisement. Applicants are advised to carefully review the complete advertisement online to understand the application procedure and requirements for the latest job opportunities within the Frontier Core.


This announcement presents a valuable opportunity for individuals seeking employment in the defense sector, particularly in the Frontier Core. Aspiring candidates are urged to submit their applications promptly and ensure compliance with the specified deadlines. Serving in the Frontier Constabulary not only offers a chance for personal and professional growth but also allows individuals to contribute meaningfully to the security and prosperity of Pakistan.

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