Latest Army Canine Center Management Posts in Rawalpindi 2024
The Army Canine Center in Rawalpindi has announced new job opportunities, as published in the Daily Express on 22nd October 2024. They are inviting applications for the following positions:
Cook Unit
Cattle Boy
Civil Driver
Sub Assistant Supervisor
Chowkidar (Watchman)
Sanitary Worker
Qualifications Required: Candidates with various educational backgrounds can apply, including those with Intermediate, Matric, or Primary education.
Job Advertisement.

These latest government management jobs at the Army Canine Center are open until 6th November 2024 or as mentioned in the advertisement. For more details on how to apply, please read the full advertisement online.
If you are interested in these positions, make sure to apply before the closing date and carefully follow the instructions provided in the job ad. Don’t miss this chance to work at the Army Canine Center in Rawalpindi!